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DMAVT Ph.D. Student Day

The Ph.D. Student Day of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering brings to the forefront the work of the doctoral students, which constitutes the backbone of D-MAVT research. It gives them the opportunity to present their work and to interact among themselves, with colleagues at ETH Zurich, with professors, and with external guests, e.g. alumni and industry people. This event will also highlight the multi-faceted research activities at D-MAVT, and their significance as regards the needs of the society.

During the day, a few personalities from different fields will present their view about science and technology either in their own area or with reference to ETH Zurich and D-MAVT. Among these there will also be the recipient of the ETH Stodola Medal.

The D-MAVT Ph.D. Student Day will be celebrated at ETH Zentrum, in the AudiMax, on May 11th, 2004.

The doctoral students at D-MAVT are invited to submit abstracts for presentation, and all interested people are kindly invited to attend.

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